
Insights from our launch event: The evolution of HR and its role in value creation

We recently hosted a launch dinner featuring a panel discussion on the evolving role of HR in corporate strategy.

We recently held our launch dinner and were fortunate to have so many of our partners and supporters in attendance. The evening wasn’t just about celebration - it was also an opportunity to reflect on the progress we’ve made and how we can continue to create value together. 

Part of the evening was a panel discussion focused on the fast-evolving role of Human Resources (HR), how it is becoming an integral part of the corporate strategy, and the value it brings to companies. Hosted by Steven Hayes, with insights from industry leaders Erik Geilenkirchen and Lee Baz-Sanchez, the conversation highlighted how HR is transforming, particularly in the post-pandemic world. Below are some key takeaways from the discussion.

From support to strategic partner

Our first panelist, Erik, with over 35 years working on leadership in diverse international businesses and now Founder of IntelligentBoardRoom, brought forward the idea that HR has undergone a seismic shift in the last 5–10 years. Twenty years ago, HR was the more transactional, supportive function in organisations. Today,  HR is a key player in driving business strategy, thanks in part to advances in data and analytics.

Erik explained how, in the past, HR struggled to make decisions based on evidence because the necessary data wasn’t available. By having access to sophisticated analytics, HR can quantify its impact - showing how employee turnover or engagement affects profit margins, for example. This evolution has made HR more integrated with business strategy and outcomes, allowing HR professionals to move from the back office to the boardroom.

He also touched on the impact of COVID-19, explaining how the pandemic accelerated the recognition of HR’s value. The shift to remote and hybrid working models has provided companies with new ways to offer employees flexibility, leading to better work-life balance and more efficient business operations. Erik’s final note was on the importance of focusing not just on past data, but on forward-looking strategies, using HR as a ‘windshield’ to navigate future challenges.

Data, AI, and decision-making

Lee, Managing Director and Head of HR at EQT Group, echoed Erik’s thoughts and expanded on the critical role of data in HR today. Lee highlighted the growing use of AI in his business, particularly in the decision-making processes. He emphasised that while many HR teams have started using data, there’s still inconsistency in how it's applied across industries and organisations and how its value is perceived. AI is still seen as a danger, largely due to a lack of understanding and willingness to adopt.

One of Lee’s key observations was the ongoing challenge of ‘management by anecdote.’ Leaders often rely on recent, personal experiences rather than hard data to make decisions, and part of HR’s role is to shift this mindset toward evidence-based decision-making. According to Lee, the future of HR lies in leading businesses through uncertainty, using both technology and data to inform strategies around talent management, diversity, and inclusion.

Building leadership for the future: From A to B

When asked about the role of HR in value creation, Erik made a powerful point: HR professionals should always be thinking about where the business is heading and what leadership is needed to get there. He emphasised that a company’s success often hinges on having the right leadership at the top. Without the right people in key positions, it’s difficult for any company to move forward effectively.

Businesses need to start thinking of the process of building a "leadership bridge" from today to five years from now, identifying the business challenges ahead, and making sure the leadership team is equipped to handle them. This proactive approach requires HR to deeply understand the business’s strategy, operating model, and the specific roles that will drive success.

HR’s role in value creation

As the discussion progressed, Stephen asked both panellists about HR’s role in creating value for businesses, particularly in the context of private equity. Lee explained how, at EQT, the focus is often on placing the right leaders - such as CEOs and CFOs - in portfolio companies. While culture and organisational design are recognised as important, there's a tendency to prioritise top-level talent as the key to unlocking value. However, he argued that culture and broader talent strategies shouldn’t be overlooked, as they can act as accelerators for long-term success.

Erik brought up a critical point about the private equity space: the need for speed. In such environments, companies don’t always have the luxury of time to develop talent slowly. As a result, there’s often a greater focus on making quick, impactful leadership decisions. This creates a unique challenge for HR in balancing the need for rapid execution with the long-term development of people.

Final thoughts: HR as a career path

The evening’s discussions concluded with a reflection on HR as a career path. Both panellists agreed that HR is one of the few functions that offers incredible flexibility across industries. Whether working in finance, manufacturing, tech, or non-profits, HR professionals can switch between sectors while still leveraging their core expertise. This diversity makes HR an exciting field with countless opportunities for growth and impact.

In closing, it was clear that the role of HR has never been more vital, and never been as fluid and adaptable as now. As businesses continue to navigate an ever-evolving market, HR professionals are not only managing talent but are also driving business strategies that create lasting value. 

Our launch event underscored the importance of collaboration and innovation, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the rich discussions. We’re excited about the future of Catalyst and achieving our mission of revolutionising the HR recruitment landscape. To learn more about our influence in the HR industry, check out our website or get in touch with the team today!

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