Logan Naidu, CEO

Meet our team

“We're on a mission to disrupt and challenge the status quo within the HR and People function, recruiting from non-traditional talent pools. We make some bold claims but actions speak louder than words. Our growing team has created a ripple, and we're just getting started."

Logan Naidu, CEO

Help us deliver
recruitment excellence

We’re always looking for exceptional team members to help us deliver recruitment excellence. Are you ready to raise the bar?

Get in touch

Ready for that
exceptional role?

Whatever your next HR career move, we’re here to find the role where you will make the greatest impact and guide you through the whole process. Let’s find your next opportunity together.

Ready for that exceptional candidate?

Building teams that will transform your business starts with the right people. Our global professional network of HR expertise is where to start. Let’s discuss building the team you need.

Let’s talk

Want to speak with us about something else? Whatever your query, talk to one of our team members, and let’s find the right way forward.